Auburn Hills Skatepark

vote data

202 N Squirrel Rd

Auburn Hills, MI 48326

8am - Dusk

Small but diverse free, but enclosed park with mixed surfaces. Nice skatelite ramps, a nice pyramid/hubba, a few flatbars, and a cool double miniramp tie together nicely.

Skatepark Rules

Auburn Hills Skatepark is for skateboards, in-line skates, and BMX bikes. Skatepark is open 8am to dusk (in season April to November, closed during winter) and is FREE. The public is welcome. The park is unsupervised, and use of protective equipment such as helmets, gloves, elbow, knee and wrist protection, and proper shoes are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Use at your own risk, and do not use when wet. The park is available to both beginner and advanced riders, so please skate safely. Users are responsible for the park's future & help keep it clean and friendly!

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